Monday, October 29, 2007

chocolate buttons

It was daylight savings yesterday and that means the sun was already beginning to set when I got out of class at 4 today. As I walked west along the strand the angle of the light was such that everyone in front of me was a black sillouette with a bright golden outline. pretty awesome. I am worried about the increase in darkness making me depressed when added on to the already grey gloomy weather of this place. But so far, so good.

I can't decide whether or not I want to go out tonight. I mean, I don't want to, but I can't decide whether I should anyway. I feel I am reverting back to my old, let's-just-hang-out-and-talk self. This is both comforting and scary. Boring is fine at home, but I don't want to be boring here. Well, I don't think it's possible anyway. For one thing, I don't have any friends that I am close enough to to just hang out and talk to for hours. And also, all the coffee shops close in the early evening. Which is completely unacceptable, in my opinion. But oh well. When in London, talk in a pub.


Yasha said...

Here's my question. Is it possible to be both boring and cool?

Sheri said...

Yes it is. That is me.

Steve Ripley said...

I ran across an article about an old travel book that mentions how much MORE depressing and dark London was in the mid-1800's. The rest of the article is hilarious:

Sheri said...

Did you know "Quesadilla" is Spanish for "What's the Deal?"

Anonymous said...

Did you know K-Mart is Spanish for Bloomingdale's?

Sheri said...

Did you know that the Nielsen families that decide what TV shows stay on are all named Nielsen?