Sunday, June 15, 2008

More pictures from Scotland, taken by Jessie, are up on Picasa, or will be in a few minutes anyway. Turns out Jessie is a creeper who likes to take candid shots of me all the time, so that's exciting. But not as exciting as the hand dryer...

I am back from Germany, it was great, and I am working on those pictures as well. Right now I am packing up my room. I'm trying to finish most of it today so that tomorrow I can run a few errands and have fun. I always hate packing up at the end of the year because it's so final. This time it is more final than usual and therefore also more depressing. But so far it hasn't really hit me.

Anyway, go check out the pictures if you fancy it.

OK, change in plans. It seems I have used up all of my allotted memory on picasa. Luckily I have two different google accounts, so I was able to upload the second batch of scotland pictures here:


N/A said...

love the pictures! scotland ... so lovely. and i rly want a chance to go there and explore. other likes: donkey statue (awesome, i want one), how nurturing you look cradling a piglet, and how satisfied you look later on, eating the piglet's relatives in the form of sausages- next to delicious looking toast.

Mandy said...

aCtually that "toast" was rösti, which is basically like the hashbrowns you get at fast food restaurants--ie, delicious!

Sheri said...

Hey, I was wondering - is the donkey statue with the other animals on his back in honor of the riddle where the animals have to carry each other across the river and back again without eating each other? Anyway, I am sure you know which one I mean, cause Miss Min makes her freshman science class do it every year. Right?

Mandy said...

no, it's one of the grimm's fairy tales. musicians of bremen or something.