Saturday, September 15, 2007

Call my family, tell them I'm lost on the sidewalk

My quest was successful and I found a shopping center named elephant and castle where i was able to buy coathangers, a hair dryer, a hamper, and an indian scarf/piece of cloth thing to put over my ugly ugly fridge.

My friend Marty and I went to a concert on the Thames which was cool in theory but lame in practice. Some of the people were out on a barge in the river and the rest of the orchestra were standing on the millennium bridge. This was, by the way, right in front of the tate modern, with saint paul's cathedral in the background. We got our fortune read by a parakeet and the weather was incredible and sunny. If I can ever get a chance to upload pictures (unlikely) I will show you. It was super super cool until they started playing, at which point it became clear that the music sucked. We left after about 10 minutes and had some starbucks in a moment of weakness.

Natalie finally got in touch with me and I went over to her place in Bloomsbury which is waaaayyyy nicer than mine. Apparently if she was living in there like a normal person she would be paying 400 pounds a week. Yikes. She has four roommates who are all cool. We went out to a bunch of places, none of which ended up being very fun, but it was good to hang out with someone I actually know for once and talk about old times.

It's so strange to be the outsider. Everything you do is a big deal, and little chores can seem like the most difficult thing in the world because you have absolutely no idea how to complete them. It's strange to have to ask so many questions: where can I go on the internet, which way is north, how do I call the US, which of these is a 20 pence, do you have bottled water, is it cold, what time is it, how do I get home, what's 50 miles in metric, how do I turn off my shower. I guess I am an immigrant now, and I finally understand how hard that can be, even if it's just england.

Everyone is moving in today so I'd better go and be sociable. Wish me luck!

p.s.- the value of the pound is dropping because the british economy is all screwed up at the moment. praise the lord! Never have I taken such pleasure in someone else's misfortune.


Yasha said...

I don't think I've ever heard/seen you use the phrase 'praise the lord' before. Glad you found elephant and castle (is it a chess theme?). Good luck with being sociable.
I'm most interested in this parakeet fortune thing so do put up pictures please.

Sheri said...

Yay - the pound is dropping! Let's hope it keeps dropping until June! (Apologies to my British brethren, we are only looking out for ourselves right now.)

sarahzzz said...

I love elephant and castle. I remember just the way the female voice on the tube says it.

the pound is dropping? fabulous! let's hope the euro drops too.

Kitt said...

now i'm all for the devaluing of a foreign power's money, but i don't really think we should be praising the lord for it. maybe silently thanking, but praising is a bit much.

Mandy said...

santee, we'll talk after you pay 6 dollars for a beer, ok?