The concert was great and we actually got really decent seats, especially considering the timing. We were in the second section up, but in the first row of that section, towards the middle. I was a little disappointed in the crowd, who was incredibly boring, but toward the end they got into it. The venue was super swanky and I felt very cultured about the whole thing, to tell you the truth. Also, I definitely got a kick out of being allowed for once to partake in the pre-concert drinks at the bar. Just a few weeks ago at the greek theater I was feeling pretty left out of all the fun, but this time I got to watch my concert while sipping on my very own insanely expensive beer. Sometimes I am very easily entertained. Anyway, I have a good video to put up here but I don't feel like doing it now.
I was going to go to sleep but instead I decided to give my adoring fans what they want and take pictures of my bedroom. I didn't even clean it first, so you can get the full effect. They are currently in the process of uploading to my picasa album, so you can go see them there. I also added a bunch of other pictures that I have had sitting around, but they're not too exciting. The URL is if you don't already know.
wow everything looks so different in color! but your room is horrifyingly small. how do you live?
can I marry Thomas? please?
p.s. those oatbakes do look like kibble. but oat things are usually good, so.
I see your housekeeping skills haven't changed. Maybe your room wouldn't be so depressing if you cleaned it and made it pretty?
Just a thought from your mother...
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