Thursday, October 18, 2007

I Miss Mexican Food, or, Quintuple Meta. A conversation, by Mandy and Amy Ripley, for Sarah Rothberg.

me: have you gona to the taco stands yet? the colorful ones?

amy: haha no not yet!!

me: you are so stupid.

amy: but tuesday night we rode a bus to inglewood to see cirque du soleil (which was amazing) and beforehand we ate at a mexican diner with a B rating!

me: NICE. was it delicious?

amy: it was so good!!!

me: oh man. so jealous.

amy: yeah. I told them about the secret of B mexican.

me: i am putting this conversation on my blog

amy: cool! I am famous. sort of. not really.

me: i am not gonna cut out the part where i say I'm gonna put it on my blog, either. it will be so meta.

amy: oh man. awesome. 5:30 am conversations about B mexican.

me: and i'm gonna leave that too. it will be double meta. oh my god.

amy: duuuuude. and leave that too.

me: i think i just imploded.


me: the title of the blog will be "quadruple meta"

me: oh no

amy: ahhhhhhh

me: this is getting out of control

amy: it really is. god help us.

me: don't talk about it anymore!

amy: ok

me: anyway, what did you order? I want to eat it vicariously.

amy: enchiladas. but we split some guac. it was so delicious. chunky and everything. newly mashed mmm I could use some now. I stuffed myself.

me: aaahhhh. sometimes i make guac for myself. but i want a mexican to make it for me!



sarah said...

that was amazing, you are amazing, and i can't wait to finish my next non fiction paper so you can read it.

Anonymous said...

so good.

Sheri said...

You two are meta ridic.

-Your meta cool mother

Unknown said...

hella ridic!

Anupamapamapama said...

wowww your parents say ridic. that is so ridic. tiiight.

Anonymous said...

oh no dad knows "hella" now, thanks to me and my linguistics class!

sarahzzz said...

I ate Mexican in London today. the guac was horrible (as it has always been in Europe, in my experience... nothing compares to California avocados I guess) but the burrito itself was pretty acceptable. actually my mom and I split the burrito and fish and chips, so it was a very funny English/Mexican mix.