Just got back from the Stamford Arms pub, where my friends and I watched the semifinal of the rugby world cup. England won, tiiiiiight. They will play in the final now against either argentina or south africa, I think. It was really fun to be one of the crazy cheering fans at the pub, but also to laugh at them. There was this one guy in particular who was pretty much way more entertaining than the game itself. He would stare at the screen furiously mumbling "kill him. kill him," or jump out of his seat involuntarily and grab the nearest person with a vein throbbing in the middle of his forehead and his fist punching the air, or simply scream random things like "RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT." This in itself was funny enough, but the best parts were when he would remember himself and sit down quickly in his chair, glancing back apologetically at us for having blocked our view. Or when some friends of his showed up and within half a second he went from "NOOOOOOOOOOOAAARRRRRHGHGHGHGHSDKJJASDKNFKLBNJALGB" to "Alright mate?" patting them on the back with a friendly smile. Oh, it was glorious. Especially for someone who doesn't
actually know anything about rugby. Well, I kind of do now. It was a good game, at any rate, with lots of scoring at the very end.
Before that we went for indian food at Indigo, the aforementioned hilariously awkward resteraunt down the street. And before
that we went to Harrods. Oh wow, Harrods. It was like disneyland in there, no joke. I knew going into it that this place supposedly sells eveything, but I wasn't prepared for cats and dogs. Seriously? I also wasn't prepared for Christmas stuff to be out this early in the year. They had a whole room of it! Completely redic. We obviously didn't buy anything, except for some stuff at the bakery that was pretty reasonably priced. I got this thing called a bacon and cheese baguette. It was pretty much amazing. They have an entire room full of chocolate, by the way. Just saying.
I came home early tonight, and I am going to do some reading, unless I fall asleep, which is a serious possibility. Peace out.

haha I watched that rugby game in France!
Did you see the t-shirts in Harrods with no price tags and all the nice cars parked outside?
cats and dogs. i loled.
those gingerbread men look so delicious I hope you got one.
in real life they didn't look nearly as appetizing as the bacon and cheese baguette, trust me.
Those are the most beautiful gingerbread men I have ever seen. It would be a crime to eat one.
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