Monday, October 1, 2007

This whole going to school while in england thing is just not working out for me. It feels like I'm on a vacation, but I'm not. What is that all about? I managed to get reasonably caught up for two of my classes but unfortunately I am taking four classes. I haven't even bought this week's book for American fiction and the class is tomorrow. For some reason I am deathly afraid of being called on in class and revealed as the ignorant clueless homesick American that I am. I am not used to being the stupid one. Maybe this whole thing would be easier if I were. Maybe I should just resign myself to the fact that I will not be getting good grades while in this city. I will just have to stop being such a nerd, that's all.

In other news, I opened a bank account today. Kind of. It's not actually activated yet. But I did it all by myself like a real grownup.

I have decided I need to become more cultured and start going to concerts and plays and things instead of just the student bar all the time. I have also decided that I need to explore other parts of London besides the few square miles within walking distance. But I suppose first I should get on this whole reading thing. Oh geez.


Anonymous said...

I have told you to explore the city a long time ago. Go to Hyde Park and throw rocks at the ducks. And good luck with doing school work. I thought I would be able to concentrate and get good grades in London. Yeah right!!! My parents paid for me to get drunk and party. That's what studying abroad is all about.


Sheri said...

Ignore him.

Amy said...

ick. good luck man. If it makes you feel any better, I am drowning in schoolwork too, and I don't even have all the distractions (british men, beer, etc.) that you do. I have no's just because I am lazy and procrastinate...I am a way worse studen than you!

sarahzzz said...

wait... reread that entry... do you notice something funny like I did...

also, too bad you hate musicals. I would be in heaven!