The Camden market was really really cool. I would talk more about but I am kind of over it now. My weekend was pretty quiet and uneventful. But last night I went out clubbing with my friends, which was super fun. I love that guys here will actually dance. Not just creepers, either--normal, every day white guys. And it's not gross like dancing in America. It's just having a good time and usually looking pretty silly, with our arms around each other's shoulders, drinks high in the air. I kept trying to sit down and yawn in peace, but always found myself being pulled back to my feet and spun around to gnarles barkley within 30 seconds. Oh London, you are such good exercise. Dancing with my friends is definitely one of my favorite London activities. On a slightly more negative note, I almost got thrown out of the club for throwing an ice cube. What the crap, man. Long story.
I cleaned my room today, and organized all my paperwork. Tomorrow is one of my many days off and I am determined to do something productive and not sleep all day. I might go to oxford street, but I always say that. Before anything else, I need to buy a new umbrella. Lets just say the walk to class today, despite my four layers, was not pleasant in the slightest. New pictures up on picasa! here are a couple:

Oh yeah, and I also saw Natalie at the club, so, that was weird. One more thing: today George told me that of all the Americans he knows, I sound the most American. I don't think he meant it in a good way, but I was quite flattered.
You prolly sound really American cause we say "like" lot in CA. Sometimes I think I sound more American than many Americans here. It's weird.
p.s. I met this british guy at school today who's friends with my friend Cornelson. I am in love. He is also really rich though, so most likely snobby. Whatevs.
p.p.s. I looked at all your pictures. more and more jealous every day....
"ugly dolls". that's so funny.
it doesn't surprise me that you sound the most American of everyone... you're from socal aren't you? and everyone from europe knows america from TV and the movies. actors are often from hollywood or LA or at least have that kind of accent. you know?
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