After eating our sushi feast we walked around the regent street/oxford street area, stopping periodically in coffee shops and bars to get warm. I drank a mint hot chocolate and wore my hood[s] because it was cold, we went to a 5 story toy store, and it was pretty christmasy in a slightly sickening way. Then we came home and watched elf.
Today the best thing ever happened. I walked whitfield over to his hotel so he could meet up with his study abroad program group thing. We had to get there by a certain time so he could go to this free mexican meal they had planned. When we arrived we realized the mexican restaraunt was right around the corner, so I figured I might as well go scope out the situation and see if I could bum some food. Turns out there was no sort of sign-in sheet or ID check, so I basically just walked in, grabbed a plate, and helped myself to a steaming heap of beans, rice, meat, and tortillas. It wasn't terribly authentic, but it was terribly free, and to make a long story short I definitely had a cramp in my side as I made the trek home afterward. It was a long, cold walk, but I had my animal collective and my satisfaction in not needing a map. Map shmap, I always say.
My body is really tired from the past couple weeks of craziness and I can't wait to stay in my room all day tomorrow. sleeeeep.
new pictures up.
since when have you said map shmap? this blog is a farce.
no thank you,
josh logan
Aunt Yvonne says:
You are having one "best ever" experience after another. You are doing your trip proud!! Good job and keep it up. And I love the pictures!!
uh yeah, so we're going to that sushi place when i come.
Love those smiling eyes.
o rly? i gave up on my mission to find affordable sushi anywhere in london a long time ago. i must check out this japan center, oh em gee. the gals will be excited to hear about this one.
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