I know it looks like someone pasted my face on top of a postcard here, but this is a totally legit picture taken by whitfield the other day. Me in my natural habitat. If you're not already, you'd better get used to the vomit-yellow scarf; I've decided it's gonna become my trademark. Anyway, as you can see I am alive and well, and my neck is warm. Over and out.
wow that is a cool picture...
your trademark is sweet. I wish I had one (a trademark, I mean, not the scarf..)
that scarf is a good idea, it's ugliness adds charm. i was thinking the other day that i'm just going to start carrying around a big mug everywhere i go. i think that can count as a trademark?
Amazing natural habitat!
AMAZING! I never knew that london was soooo beautiful!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! (even though you have already partaken)
aunt val
hey, who is this aunt val person that keeps writing you? didn't know she had a computer ...
and the scarf is kind of orange in the fall twilight here in oregon.
happy thanksgiving, mandycakes. you rock!!!!
go trojans!!!
this is for uncle anonymous.
you know perfectly well who aunt val is, so stop it. i have access to computers, thank you very much.
to the alleged aunt val ....
you do not. if you did, i would have heard from you.
boogie misses you as well.
and somebody shot my ducks. down by the river, where i lost my baby.
hey, no family fueds on my blog please.
you would have heard from me had i had an email add for u. i know who you are and i know where you live. well kinda.
P.S. i miss boogie. tell him hello. and your ducks did drown, last saturday and i lost 10 bucks.
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