Friday, November 30, 2007

jack frost nipping at your nose

There are a few reasons why I'm feeling good right now:

I went shopping today, and didn't find a coat (most frustrating experience ever), but it was still fun.

I just bought a bunch of christmas music on iTunes: ella fitzgerald, the nutcrakcer performed by the london symphony, and little st. nick by the beach boys

I am making a list of christmas gift ideas for my family

I am drinking mint hot chocolate (this is, however, a poor substitute for the chocolate buttons I would have bought had the vending machine not been OUT OF ORDER WTFFFFF)

I made up a list of self-imposed deadlines for my papers. The first one is due on monday morning, yikes! But deadlines are so comforting. In related news, I realized I will have a couple of days to finish them up when I arrive back in London in January. So hopefully I won't be making myself and other too miserable during vacation.

I rode the bus today and it was raining outside!

Which reminds me. It's funny how my thinking has changed when it comes to my accent. I used to be intensely self-conscious about it, but I also liked the attention that it brought me, especially from the opposite sex. Now my attitude is more like "yes, I just said 'dude,' let's talk about something else." I am no longer amused when strangers overhear me and my frineds talking and say "Oh, are you American? Where are you from?" Sometimes I audibly sigh. It would be one thing if it was just purely to be friendly. It would be one thing if the people saying it were at least young and attractive. But usually it's creepy men who want an excuse to chat it up with you. So, to all you creepy men in shoe stores and buses of the world-- it's time to get a little more creative. I am glad you enjoyed your trip to Florida 10 years ago, but I would really rather do my shopping in silent, stony-faced peace like the rest of the city.

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