Dear relatives,
I just got a letter from grandma, and inside of it were pictures of her and grandpa bob in their halloween costumes--a clown and a cowboy, respectively. It was pretty much the most glorious thing I have ever seen.
For the rest of you,
The trip to brighton was pretty awesome. It was freezing cold, and I mean painfully effing cold, but mostly I thought that was funny. We basically just wandered around and ate delicious things for 5 hours. My fish and chips were not served in newspaper, but I put extra vinegar on them to make up for it. I think the strangest thing about the beach in England is not the weather or the rocky shore, but the lack of palm trees. It looks really strange without them. The germans were cool as always. However, now that I have blown my cover and revealed that I can actually speak quite a lot of German, they don't feel as guilty about leaving me out of the conversation, and therefore don't bother to speak in english unless they are directly addressing me. This makes things interesting, but they talk too fast and I feel confused. Oh well, it's good practice for Berlin! I can't wait! It's going to be awesome.
*cough* Oh yeah, so I'm going to Brussels and Berlin with charlene in a few weeks, between the time when school ends and I come home to california. It's going to be a freezing waffle christmasy hipster muscles airplane extravaganza! If we can get our shit together and finish planning it, anyway. Meh, tomorrow. new pictures! duh.
<3 joanna newsom
yeah, we need to get our act together.
teach me some german. I'll be in berlin in less than a week. omg it's going to be so christmas-y I'll bet!!
1. i liked your family anicdote
2. traveling sounds SOOOOOOOO cool. i hear berlin is amazing/ hipster central.
3. you seriously kept your german speaking a secret for so long? that is so mysterious and lawl.
Berlin is awesome! Actually, Germany as a whole is awesome. That's all I have to say about that.
Oh man, you must go to Brighton again before you leave, but when it is warm and sunny and beautiful. Santa Cruz of England. It's truly gorgeous and the Pier is super fun. I'm in a mood right now where I use a lot of adjectives for adjectives.
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