Tuesday, April 22, 2008

come join the youth and beauty brigade

So I woke up in my bed just now thinking to myself, man that was a nice long nap...wait a minute, why is it still light out, I figured it would be dark by now, hmm let me just look at my phone to see what time it is HOLY CRAP I JUST SLEPT FOR 13 HOURS STRAIGHT AND IT IS NOW THE MORNING. No joke, guys. I slept from 6 PM until 7 AM without waking up once.

What I'm trying to say is, I turned in my two essays yesterday. I managed, as usual, to be working on them at the last minute, and therefore made a bit of a mess of things, but they are gone, turned in, both literally and figuratively out of my hands. Which also means I am completely done with those two classes. relief!!!!!!!

Now I have to start studying for my exams, but I think I will probably take the day off. One can only spend so much of one's life in a library, before it starts to seem normal.

In fact, I think I might just go back to bed.


Sheri said...

Don't sleep too long! I will be there in 7 days!

Amy said...

I live in the library. Not fun.

Going back to bed is always a good idea. I hope you really did.